NAME: AURELLIA ARSANTA (10621067) CLASS: 3SA10 My opinion about coursera, I think this website very helpful to learning any languages because this website provides several learning facilities such as discussion videos, practice questions and quizzes. With these facilities I can understand more about the material I have studied. In the third week I have learned about: 1. In this first unit I learned how to introduce families in Korean and learn new vocabulary related to family also, in this unit i learned how to count in Korean. 2. In this second unit I learned how to ask if a person has any other siblings also study how the meanings of a sentence is changed when using particles. 3. In this third unit I learned how to ask and respond how many members are in my family. 4. In this last unit is about review all of the materials I have learned before, like how to ask and respond to questions regarding my families, by utilizing all the sentence patterns and vocabulary ...